Reducing the environmental impact of industrial activities in the plastics-composite sector
Find common solutions to sustainably sustain the plastic, bioplastic and composite industry in an eco-responsible manner.
Participate in work related to the activity of members at national and / or European level
Sensitize all manufacturers to eco-design
Make industrialists aware of the ecological and economic need to include an eco-responsible end of life for their plastic-bioplastic-composite products
Promote all means of prevention against pollution by industrial waste, in particular the development of virtuous uses (recycling, biodegradability-compostability, sorting gesture, deposit ...).
Communicate with the public and political leaders / representatives in order to make them aware of the qualities of plastics-bioplastics-composites and of the actions taken by manufacturers to limit the environmental impact of their activities.
Encourage the establishment of a real bio-waste sector in France and the establishment of centers that can sort non-recycled plastics today
Inform manufacturers on technical, legislative and regulatory news concerning the treatment of plastic, bioplastic and composite materials.
Support any action aimed at increasing the responsibility of the general public in their use of waste in order to avoid litter, discarded or poorly sorted waste