By creating GREEN PLASTURGIE, we first thought of all our industrial colleagues in the plastics-composite sector engaged in an eco-responsible approach. Until now, they did not have a dedicated structure to specifically highlight their environmental actions. Current events oblige us to react in order to remind the general public as well as the State and the legislator that our companies are fully committed to an industry that respects the environment. But our companies are also concerned about their own competitiveness and jobs, which are in certain sectors threatened by attacks, bans, restrictions beyond all scientific and rational consideration. To be Eco-responsible for us is to be both ECOlogically and ECOnomically responsible. We have chosen to open up to all the actors directly or indirectly concerned with plastics (bioplastics, composites, biocomposites ...) and beyond our own industries, in order to conduct a global discussion without taboos. Whether you are a manufacturer-producer, supplier, reseller, recycler, compounder, environmental associations, NGOs ... and if you want us to find together common and realistic solutions to reduce waste and make the plastics and composites sustainable in an eco-responsible way, you are welcome to GREEN PLASTURGIE. Bernard Poulet President of GREEN PLASTURGIE Manager of PME ETMP
Alliance Plasturgie et Composites du Futur Plastalliance
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